We provide outpatient clinics at: the Royal Surrey County Hospital , Haslemere Hospital and Cranleigh Village Hospital , covering:
We provide inpatient care on Millbridge Ward with 7-day Gastroenterology consultant ward cover and 24/7 cover for emergency Gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
We support ambulatory care services via the Medical Day Unit
We are actively involved in Research and Development and in Medical Education.
Gastroenterology, including the subspeciality of hepatology, is the branch of medicine that looks at diseases of the oesophagus (gullet), stomach, small and large intestines (bowel), liver, gallbladder and pancreas.
We treat conditions including inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), coeliac disease, bowel polyps, gastro-oesophageal reflux and Barrett's oesophagus, peptic ulcer disease, malabsorption and weight loss, iron deficiency anaemia, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea, bile acid malabsorption and constipation. We are also highly experienced in the management of chronic liver disorders including alcohol-related liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, metabolic liver disease (such as hereditary haemochromatosis and Wilson’s disease) viral hepatitis, autoimmune liver conditions and liver cirrhosis.
We work in close collaboration with our cancer centre, and our surgical colleagues to support patients with gastrointestinal, liver, neuroendocrine and pancreatic cancers.
We pride ourselves in being the regional centre for upper gastrointestinal physiology, eating disorders and hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) medicine. We also host the regional operational delivery network (ODN) for Hepatitis C and primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). We are a centre of excellence for Wilson disease and our alcohol liaison Lead nurse has been awarded the Chief Nurse of England silver award.
Clinical Team
Luminal Consultants: Dr Chris Alexakis, Dr Kally Alexandropoulou, Dr Charmian Banks
Hepatology Consultants: Prof. Aftab Ala, Dr Michelle Gallagher, Dr Sanju Mathew, Dr Marinos Pericleous
Specialist nurses (for IBD, hepatitis, nutrition, alcohol liaison) - see relevant sections
Gastro Dietitians - see Gastro Dietetic Team
Millbridge ward
Helen Wilson (Mon, Tues, Wed)- 01483 571122 Ext. 6519
Carole Brown (Thurs, Fri) – 01483 571122 Ext. 6519
> Secretary to: Dr Michelle Gallagher, Christopher Alexakis
Nicola Keen – 01483 571122 Ext. 5239
> Secretary to: Dr Sanju Mathew, Dr Dushen Murugiah
Clare Rose – 01483 571122 Ext. 6990
> Secretary to: Dr Marinos Pericleous, Prof Aftab Ala
Nicole Davis – 01483 571122 Ext. 4521
> Secretary to: Dr Charmian Banks
Alison Webb – 01483 571122 Ext. 4933
> Secretary to: Dr Kally Alexandropoulou
Other Contact Numbers
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Royal Surrey County Hospital
Hospital Switchboard: 01483 571 122
Haslemere Hospital
Haslemere Hospital: 01483 782 300
Cranleigh Village Hospital
Cranleigh Hospital: 01483 782400
Patient information leaflets