Our Clinical Immunology and Allergy department provides a specialist clinical service for all aspects of adult allergy and immunodeficiency. Our clinics are:
Patients with allergy symptoms need to be referred by their GP or another hospital team to this clinic.
We offer services for the management and diagnosis of various allergic conditions including anaphylaxis, angioedema and urticaria, drug allergy, food allergy, rhinoconjunctivitis (seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis) and insect venom allergy.
We provide a regional service for the investigation and management of primary and secondary immunodeficiency.
We offer immunoglobulin replacement therapy, both in hospital and home-based, either via the intravenous or subcutaneous routes.
We also provide a regional service for patients with C1 inhibitor deficiency, and training for self-administered therapies for this condition.
Patients with severe allergic rhinitis (not controlled on conventional medication) or venom allergy are treated with immunotherapy (desensitisation) treatment.
Patients are usually assessed in a general allergy clinic first to determine suitability for this form of treatment.
Patients are assessed for drug allergies to identify the responsible drug and alternatives that are safe to use.
Patients can be referred to this clinic after assessment in a general allergy clinic or are sometimes booked directly in following referral from their GP.
Drug allergy testing involves skin testing and/ or challenge testing, where a patient is exposed to a gradually increasing amount of medication.
Patients are given increasing amount of various foods (following skin testing) to determine what they are allergic to, or whether they have grown out of a previous allergy.
Patients who require immunoglobulin therapy (or other immunological treatments) are provided training by one of the specialist nurses on how to self-administer at home.
This is usually done over a period of several weeks and is tailored to a patient’s individual needs.
All adults.
All referrals are required to come via a GP or other consultant/clinician.
We are open Monday to Friday 8.30am-4.15pm (excluding bank holidays)
Telephone: 01483 464 002
E-mail: rsc-tr.opdapptcentre@nhs.
We are currently rolling out our online My Care Patient Portal, an easier way to manage and view your appointments.
Or via the Dept:
Tel: 01483 571 122, ext 2323
Email: rsch.immunology@nhs.net or rsch.allergy@nhs.net.