Our Critical Care Outreach Team (CCOT) provides critical care skills to patients on our non-intensive care wards who have, or at risk of, critical illness.
This team of specialist nurses provide early, skilled assistance to wards or departments. They identify and instigate treatment in patients who are deteriorating within the hospital. This helps to avoid admission to our Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and makes sure that admission to a critical care bed happens in a timely manner to assure best outcome.
The service also supports the continuing recovery of patients who have been discharged from intensive care onto another inpatient ward.
Adult patients based in our main Guildford hospital.
The CCOT take referrals from Royal Surrey inpatient wards.
Hours of operation are 8am-midnight, seven days a week.
If a patient requires specialist critical care advice or assistance outside of these hours, the ward is encouraged to contact the ICU team.
The CCOT have an office based in ICU, which is located in the East Wing on Level B at the end of the main hospital corridor near to Theatres.
You can call the team on 01483 571122 ext 4332.