We provide nutritional support to all patients with a head and neck cancer diagnosis undergoing surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, chemo-radiotherapy and palliative care.
Once treatment and care is completed at the cancer centre, your ongoing care will be transferred to our Macmillan Aftercare & Rehabilitation Service (MARS team).
Head and neck cancer patients are usually already known to the dietitians, so you will not need to have a referral.
Your dietitian will make contact with you at one of your consultant or radiotherapy appointments. If you have not seen a dietitian and would like to please contact us.
Our appointments are held in various clinics at the Royal Surrey, including Outpatients 8 (ear, nose and throat) Outpatients 11 (Maxillofacial) and Outpatients 12 (Cancer Centre).
The location will depend on where your consultant or nurse appointments are held.
When you are under the care of the MARS dietitians, your appointments will be at the same hospital that your consultant appointments will be at.
No. We will aim to see you at the same time as your clinic or radiotherapy appointments, so that you do not need to make an extra journey to the hospital.
The dietitians will know about your other appointment times and come and find you when you are at the hospital.
You do not need to bring anything else with you when you see the dietitian.
We will know if your consultant appointment is cancelled or rescheduled, so you do not need to contact us.
There is a dietetic service to all the wards in the hospital. If you are admitted and need support from the dietitian your doctor or nurse can refer you to us.
Head and Neck Team:
Telephone: 01483 464 119
Email: rsch-dietitians@nhs.net
MARS Dietitians:
Telephone: 01483 464 119
Email: rsc-tr.MarsTeam@nhs.net