Meet our team
We provide maternity care that we adapt to meet the needs of you and your baby during pregnancy, birth and early days of parenthood by coordinating care for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. We can do that because we have a modern maternity team with the skills and experience to listen, guide and support you to take informed choices about the maternity care you receive. Let us introduce you to our teams.
Community Midwife Teams
If you need to contact a midwife urgently and you are over 16 weeks pregnant please call the Call a Midwife Advice Line on 0300 123 5473
Our community midwives offer three models of care: traditional, continuity and caseload.
Traditional teams
Midwives in the traditional teams offer community based antenatal and post-natal care to women in a defined area.
- Forest Team care for women who live in the Bordon, Alton, Liphook, Liss and Petersfield area.You will attend clinics at Borden Maternity Hub, Badgerswood Practice, Mill Lane, Headley, GU35 8LH. email: rsch.forestteam@nhs.net
- Rose Team care for women registered with Heathcot and Hillview surgeries in Woking, The Villages Practice in Send, Shere and East Horsley surgeries, Haslemere Health Centre, Grayshott and Fernhurst Surgery and Cobham Medical Centre. Postnatal care for women registered with these GP practices will be provided by midwives in their nearest maternity hub. email: rsch.surreyroses@nhs.net
- Hazel Team care for women/pregnant people who live in and around Haslemere. Care provided at the Haslemere Maternity Hub, Haslemere Community Hospital, Church Lane, Haslemere, GU27 2BJ email: rsch.gw.hazelteam@nhs.net
Continuity of Care Teams
Continuity of care midwives work in small teams caring for women from the first booking appointment until mother and baby are discharged at around ten days after birth. Your midwife will have a set antenatal clinic day each week, so we advise trying to attend appointments on this day of the week so that you optimise your chance of seeing the same midwife. These continuity teams are based at community hubs and provide antenatal and postnatal care 7 days a week. Our aim is that a midwife that you already know supports you in the hospital when you birth your baby. The teams cover the following areas:
- Surrey Meadows Team provides all midwifery care to women living in Cranleigh and surrounding villages. Routine appointments will be at Cranleigh Maternity and Early Years Hub, Cranleigh Village Hospital, 6 High Street, GU6 8AE. Telephone:01483 956621 email: rsch.surreymeadows@nhs.net
- Surrey Orchards Team provide continuity of care for women living in the Farnham, Aldershot, Ash and Fleet area based at the Health Suite, Farnham Memorial Hall, Babbs Mead, Farnham, GU9 7EE. email: Telephone: 01252 716438 email: rsch.surreyorchardscontinuityteam@nhs.net
- Surrey Rivers Team is for women registered with Woodbridge Hill Surgery, Dapdune Surgery and St Lukes Surgery. This team hold their clinics at Central Guildford Maternity Hub, Lawn Road, Guildford GU2 4AX. Telephone: 01483 956651 email: rsch.surreyrivers@nhs.net
- Surrey Sunflowers Team is for women registered with a GP at Fairlands Practice, Merrow Park Surgery and Austen Road Surgery.This team will see you at Central Guildford Maternity Hub, Lawn Road, Guildford GU2 4AX. Telephone: 01483 956651 email: rsch.maternitysunflowers@nhs.net
- Surrey Valleys Team provide continuity of care for women living in the Godalming area at Godalming Maternity Hub, Eashing Building, St Marks and All Saints Primary School, Eashing Lane, GU7 2LF. Telephone: 01483 956656 Ext 6657 email: rsch.surreyvalleys@nhs.net
Caseload Teams
A caseload team is a small group of midwives who provide all your antenatal and post-natal care and support you at your birth.
- Homebirth Team – Surrey Hills. If you choose to have your baby at home this team will provide all your maternity care in the home and dedicated clinics. With the experience and expertise to provide the safest outcome for mother and baby the team passionately support women to have a positive homebirth experience. If you are considering homebirth and want to know if it is right for you and your baby, speak to your Royal Surrey midwife. Not registered with the Royal Surrey yet, then click on the Booking your birth with us button or email our Home Birth team. email. rsch.homebirth.referrals@nhs.net
- Surrey Daisies provides all midwifery care to women registered at Guildowns Group Practice (Wodeland Avenue, Stoughton or The Oaks Surgery). Antenatal and postnatal care from this team will either be at the Guildford Maternity Hub or in your own home. Our aim is that one of this team will support you in the hospital when you birth your baby. email: rsch.maternitydaisies@nhs.net
Specialist Midwives
Acorn Team provide midwifery care for women aged 20 years and under, offering bespoke antenatal and postnatal care in the home environment and in our antenatal clinic. This team support guide and prepare young women through their pregnancy and on to become a new Mum.
Birth and Beyond Antenatal Education Team run our complementary antenatal classes, virtual tours and paid for courses. With extensive midwifery experience, this team of registered midwives are qualified to teach a broad range of topics relating to pregnancy, birthing and your postnatal period. Holding specialist qualifications, the team also offers courses such as hypnobirthing and baby yoga. You can discover the complete range of courses on your Maternity Parent Portal. If you are not booked with the Royal Surrey and would like to book a paid for course/workshop please email rsch.birthandbeyond@nhs.net
Infant Feeding Team led by a certified lactation consultant, this team of specialist midwives and trained infant feeding support workers help you navigate through new baby feeding challenges. This team provides guidance and support on infant feeding and bonding with your baby from birth at the hospital and alongside your midwife at your postnatal appointments. One-to-one appointments can be arranged by your midwife and drop in clinics are available, see Maternity Parent Portal for more information. Infant Feeding Team email: rsch.infantfeeding@nhs.net If you have any questions or are experiencing problems call our 24 hr help line Call a Midwife Advice Line 0300 123 5473
Jasmine Team support women with mental health illness during pregnancy and the initial postnatal period. Three specialist perinatal mental health midwives and a specialist support worker liaise with local services and charities to provide tailored care. Talk to your midwife about a referral if you feel you would benefit from their service. See the Royal Surrey page on Mental Health Support for more information.
Specialist Bereavement Support
Although most pregnancies have a happy outcome with a healthy baby, sadly, occasionally this is not the case. In the sad event of the loss of a baby, a specialist bereavement midwife counsellor is available to support parents through the immediate period of their loss and for the following three months. We understand that the loss of a pregnancy or a baby at any gestation can be traumatic for parents and may have profound psychological and emotional effects on them and their family.
Our bereavement counsellor is able to offer support and counselling sessions to the parents to help them through their grief and briefing process. She also offers practical support assisting parents in the registration of their baby and making funeral arrangements.
If you are seeking further help and support we recommend these trusted resources:
Sands offer a number of services including a national helpline, a bereavement support app and a wide range of online and printed resources.
Tommy’s exists to support, care for and champion people and provide baby loss information and support.
The Miscarriage Association is there to help you through with information and support.
ARC provide non-directive information and support during antenatal testing. If you need to talk to someone about antenatal test results they have a national helpline.
Specialist Clinical Teams
Obstetric Team: This is our team of doctors who specialise in care during pregnancy, labour and after birth. Our clinical director Miss Caroline Everden lead our team of twelve consultants and junior doctors. You could be referred to an obstetrician if your midwife has concerns about your pregnancy, if you have had previous complications in pregnancy or have a long-term illness.
Please see below our team of consultants and their special interests:
Renata Hutt — Fetal Medicine Lead & Multiple Births
Caroline Everden — Labour Ward Lead, Supporting Birth Choices & Clinical Director
Alex Weaver — Perinatal Mental Health
Matthew Koomson — Maternal Medicine & Teenage Pregnancy
Lesley Roberts — Perinatal Mental Health & Fetal Medicine
Brendan Gallagher — General Obsetrics, Robotic Surgery & Urogynaecology
Hemavathy Ganesh — Preterm Birth, Fertility & Multiple Births
Chimwemwe Kalumbi — Early Pregnancy
Karen Morton — Diabetes in Pregnancy
Samar Geris — Fetal & Maternal Medicine
Milica Perovic — General Obstetrics & Colposcopy Lead
Osama Abughazza — Early Pregancy & Urogynaecology
Anaesthetists: Our dedicated team of anaesthetists are the doctors who specialise in providing pain relief and anaesthesia. If you decide to have an epidural for pain relief, it will be given by an anaesthetist.
Paediatric Team: Paediatricians are doctors that specialise in the care of babies and children. You may not see a paediatrician at all if your hospital stay is short or your birth is at home. A paediatrician may be present when your baby is born if you’ve had difficult labour and may check your baby after the birth to make sure everything is OK.