Congratulations on your exciting news, we understand that while this is an exciting time it can also be overwhelming and emotional. This page can help point you in the right direction for support during your pregnancy and once your babies have arrived.
There are different types of twin pregnancies, the first is Dichorionic/Diamniotic which means your babies have their own placenta and own sacs, often known as non-identical twins. The second type is Monochorionic, which is often known as identical. Within Monochorionic there are two types. Monochorionic/Diamniotic which means your babies share one placenta but have their own sacs and Monochorionic/ Monoamniotic which means your babies share one placenta and one sac.
Triplets and higher-order multiples are classified this way too but may be in different combinations. For example, you may have a set of triplets where two are identical and one is not. Depending on the type of multiple pregnancy you are expecting, your care pathway will differ slightly.
We have information available within the 'Feeding your Baby' section of the Parent Portal. Feeding multiples may feel overwhelming, but we are here to support you during your pregnancy, following the birth and back at home. Our dedicated infant feeding team is here to help you get feeding off to a good start providing support in the hospital and in the community.
Preparing for your babies can be overwhelming but there are charities set up to support you some of which offer antenatal classes and large communities to speak about your journey.
Twins Trust offers a wide range of resources, please take some time to explore what they have available. Visit the Twins Trust website.
Home Start are a fantastic charity that can provide support to all families. Here you can apply for support in your home and help with your new or growing family. Visit their website.
Woking Twins Club is a bump, baby and toddler group for parents or carers of twins and triplets. This offers parents an opportunity to chat with other parents, make friends and share advice and tips. Visit the Twins Club website.
Farnham Twins and Triplets group’s main aim is to put families in touch with each other and offer them the chance to make friends, swap news, share information and benefit from mutual support. The group meet on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesday of each month, from 10:00-11:30am at Ewshot Village Hall. Visit their Facebook group. Email the team.