If you are struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep, please listen in. This podcast will cover:
Royal Surrey Sleep Clinic
Insomnia Service, Royal Surrey County Hospital https://rsch.verseonecloud.com/-insomnia-clinic
Respiratory Sleep service (if you think you might have sleep apnoea), Royal Surrey County Hospital https://rsch.verseonecloud.com/sleep-and-home-ventilation
Referrals are made via through GP.
If you wish to contact our Insomnia Service with feedback or enquiries related to this podcast, please email rsch.insomniateam@nhs.net and enter PODCAST in the subject heading.
Digital CBT for Insomnia
www.sleepful.me - free app providing CBT for Insomnia programme
www.sleepio.com – online programme, available on prescription in some areas of UK
www.sleepstation.org.uk – online programme, available on prescription in some areas of UK
CBT for Insomnia books
Overcoming Insomnia 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques by Colin Espie https://amzn.eu/d/iHORs6Y
How to Beat Insomnia and Sleep Problems One Step at a Time: Using evidence-based low-intensity CBT by Kirstie Anderson https://amzn.eu/d/0czLhMK
Helpful resources
http://sleepeducation.org/ Sleep education resource provided by the American Association of Sleep Medicine
https://sleep-apnoea-trust.org/ Comprehensive guide to sleep apnoea
https://teensleephub.org.uk/ Sleep support and education for teens
https://insighttimer.com/ Free app for sleep, anxiety and stress