We are a team of specialist nurses and physiotherapists.
We have specialist training in lymphoedema and are experienced in exercise therapy, compression therapy and manual lymphatic drainage.
Lymphoedema results from a failure of the lymphatic system. The consequences are swelling, skin and tissue changes and predisposition to infection. It most commonly affects the lower or upper limbs, but may also affect midline structures such as the head and neck, trunk, breasts or genitalia.
Oedema results from an imbalance between capillary filtration into, and lymphatic drainage from, the interstitial space.
You will be seen by a member of the team trained in lymphoedema. This may be a nurse or a physiotherapist. You will receive an assessment before a care plan will be developed with agreed individual goals. You will also receive education and advice to support you with treatment and provided with self-management strategies to assist you at home. Often this will entail skin care, an exercise plan and compression garments or bandaging.
Following your treatment, onward referral via your GP may be necessary to oncology, vascular, dermatology, or leg ulcer and wound care specialists.
The service is for adults aged 18 and over with lymphoedema and is for people registered with a GP practice within Guildford and Waverley, North West Surrey, Surrey Heath or North East Hampshire and Farnham.
If your GP falls outside this catchment we can signpost you to the appropriate local service for you.
Referrals are predominantly via the GP and also other health professionals.
The service operates Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm, excluding bank holidays.
However if you would like to speak to a generalist nurse at the weekends or out of hours, please call our Community Co-ordination Centre on 01483 362 020 or ring the Beacon Centre where there is an answerphone 01483 956643.