Interventional radiology uses minimally invasive image-guided procedures as an alternative to surgical treatment.
There are a variety of examinations performed and for more information on each, there are more detailed explanations which can be found on the main radiology page.
The Interventional Suite is located in radiology on Level B of the hospital.
Interventional radiology uses ultrasound, fluoroscopy and CT (computerised tomography) to perform a variety of procedures to treat and diagnose disease.
All treatments and procedures have risks and we will talk to you about the risks of having a procedure.
Like any X-ray examination, this test uses radiation but we will keep the radiation dose for your examination as low as we possibly can.
Many procedures involve having a contrast media (X-ray dye) injected.
There is a small risk of a reaction to the contrast but before we proceed we ask you a number of safety questions in order to identify whether you are at risk of an adverse event occurring.
The contrast media we use is Iodine based; please inform staff if you have had any previous reactions to iodine based dyes.
The doctor that has referred you for the procedure will discuss with you any alternative methods that are available.
The alternative treatments are usually surgical or done as an endoscopic procedure.
You will be sent specific preparation instructions with your appointment letter which will relate to your procedure and will inform you which ward to attend if you require a bed.
For most patients are asked not to eat or drink anything for a few hours before the scan. This is because you may be given sedation or other drugs during the procedure.
If you are diabetic, it is advisable to bring some food with you to have after the scan. You do not need to stop taking any of your medication either before or after the scan.
If you take any medication, please continue to take this as normal.
If a translator is needed, please contact the department with the necessary requirements prior to the appointment.
We want to involve you in all the decisions about your care and treatment.
If you decide to go ahead with your procedure, by law we must ask you to consent to it in writing. This confirms that you agree to have the procedure and understand what it involves.
The radiologist performing the procedure will explain the risks, benefits and any alternative tests.
If you are unsure about any aspect of your procedure, please do not hesitate to ask any questions pertaining to the procedure.
Most interventional procedures are done as an inpatient.
You will receive a letter informing you of the date and time of your appointment, and which ward you need to attend, usually the Surgical Short Stay Unit, Day Surgery or the Medical Day Unit.
Once admitted to the ward you will be asked to change into a gown, and may be required to have a routine blood test. A cannula (small plastic tube) will be inserted into a suitable vein. You will be brought to the Interventional Suite on your bed for your procedure.
Once in the room, you will meet the team and go through the consent process with the radiologist.
Your procedure will be performed by the radiologist, assisted by radiology nurses and a radiographer, and as we are teaching hospital, there may be some students in attendance.
You will be taken back to your ward and nurses will carry out routine observations to make sure there are no untoward effects.
You will be able to return home after a period of bed rest.
Your procedure will be reported by a radiologist and the report will be sent back to the doctor who referred you.
They will not usually be sent back to your own GP.