Throughout your care and treatment you will be invited to a number of appointments.
They run throughout the week in both the main hospital and in Royal Surrey Cancer Centre. At these appointments, you may be seen by a consultant (surgeon or oncologist) or another member of the medical team such as a registrar or specialist nurse. These will be a mixture of face-to-face and telephone appointments.
If you are having surgery you will meet a member of the surgical team before the procedure takes place. They will explain the surgery they recommend and answer any questions you may have. Post-surgery you will also have follow-up appointments at three weeks, three months and six months post-surgery. These will be conducted in Castle Outpatients, Level H of the main hospital.
Discover more about cancer surgery at Royal Surrey.
Oncology treatment
If you are having an oncology treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, you will be seen by a member of your oncological team regularly. These appointments will take place either face-to-face or over the telephone. These appointments will most likely take place in the Cancer Centre.
Learn more about our outpatient appointments.
Pre-op assessment
Ahead of any surgical procedure you will have a pre-op assessment. This helps to ensure that you are fit and ready for surgery. The assessment may be done over the telephone or you may be asked to attend a clinic, which is held in Outpatients 15.
Read more about your pre-op assessment.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4628.
Wound Care Clinic
If you have had a mastectomy you will be seen by the breast care nurses. They will initially see you around four days after surgery to check the wound is healing and re-dress it. You may have to attend this clinic for up to six weeks.
Our oncology dietitians can help you before, after and during treatment. Discover more about our dietitians and read their advice for eating well.
Lymphodema Clinic
If you have had an axillary clearance of your lymph nodes you may be referred to the Lymphodema Clinic. The clinic is based at the Beacon Centre, which is situated on the main Royal Surrey site.