Your visit

Collage of three images. The first shows two Clinical Nurse Specialists in discussion. The second shows a patient consultation. The third features a care co-ordinater.

Outpatient appointments

Picture of a Clinical Nurse Specialist talking to a patient.



Outpatient appointments are an important part of your cancer care. These may be conducted face-to-face, over the telephone or as a video appointment.  

The aim of these appointments is to plan, monitor and review the care you are receiving and make sure that everything is going well. They provide our team with an opportunity to spot any issues or problems.

They are also your chance to ask any questions that you may have or raise any concerns.

Most outpatient appointments take place Monday to Friday (9am to 5pm) in Outpatients 12, which is on Level B of the Cancer Centre.


Should I bring someone to my appointment?

It can be useful to bring a friend or family member to these appointments. There will be a considerable amount of information given to you and they can take notes, ask questions and be a source of support.


What will happen?


Before seeing the doctor, a nurse or healthcare assistant may perform some checks, such as checking your height, weight and taking blood.  

There will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have. Some patients like to come prepared with these written down, so that they do not forget anything. It is important that you ask your doctor about any aspect of your care if you are unclear – all of our consultants will be happy to address any concerns you may have. 


What other teams may you see?

It is not just our consultants who run outpatient clinics. You may also be invited to attend:


  • Nurse led clinic


  • Pharmacy


  • Phlebotomy (taking blood)


  • Speech and Language clinic


  • Nutrition and dietetics clinic

What happens next?

Picture of a patient in a consultation with a Consultant and a Clinical Nurse Specialist.


  • You may be asked to book another appointment. If this is the case, our reception staff will agree a future clinic date with you and provide you with an appointment card.


  • Your treatment may be started. The date and location of your next attendance will vary depending on your individual management plan. Your doctor will explain the details to you clearly and you will be asked to sign a consent form to confirm that they have done this.


  • Your doctor will write to your GP, recounting the discussions you have had and the decisions made during your appointment. If you do not want your GP to receive a clinic letter, please advise your doctor accordingly.