Support and wellbeing

Two pictures featuring staff with a young patient

Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit (POSCU)

Children and young people, aged up to 19 years, with cancer need to have their care planned and coordinated by a specialist centre, also known as a Principal Treatment Centre (PTC). Not all the care they receive needs to be given by the specialist centre. Royal Surrey has been designated a Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit (POSCU). This means that we can provide supportive care closer to home if your child is diagnosed with cancer.

We work with the following PTC’s:

  • Royal Marsden, Sutton
  • Great Ormond Street, London
  • University College London Hospital


Where is POSCU based?

We are based on our children’s ward, which is known as Hascombe Ward, and have three dedicated en-suite cubicles for patients.