Pre-op assessment
Ahead of any surgical procedure you will have a pre-op assessment. This helps to make sure that you are fit and ready for surgery. The assessment may be done over the telephone or you may be asked to attend a clinic, which is held in Outpatients 15. Find out more about your pre-op assessment.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4628
Enhanced Supportive Care
Enhanced Supportive Care helps people who are having cancer treatment to stay well and cope with symptoms. Appointments with the team are available Monday-Friday in the Cancer Centre, Level B, between 9am and 5pm. Discover more about Enhanced Supoortive Care.
If you have any concern about eating and drinking you may be referred to our Dietitians. The team will see you in the Cancer Centre. Find out more about out eating well.
Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapists (OTs) may work with you to maximise your independence. They can help you overcome all kinds of challenges, so that you can live as fully and independently as possible. This might involve learning new ways of doing things, or making changes to your environment to make daily tasks easier. Learn more about Occupational Therapy and how our team may be able to help you.
You may get referred to our physiotherapists. Read some advice from our physiotherapists about the benefits of keeping active.
If surgery is a possibility you will have an appointment at one of our surgical clinics. At this clinic you will meet one of our consultant surgeons who will discuss the findings of any diagnostic investigations and advise on the treatment options. At this appointment you will also likely meet your clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and one of our dietitians. They can provide you with further information and support, as well as discuss any concerns that you may have.
If it is agreed that you are to have surgery, you will meet with your surgeon again before the operation and then after it has taken place.Surgical clinics are most often face-to-face, but can occasionally be via telephone.
Find out more about cancer surgery at Royal Surrey.
If you are offered an oncological treatment, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, you will meet with your consultant oncologist soon after your initial surgical appointment. In your first appointment, your oncologist will discuss the treatment options and side effects with you. They will also ask for your consent for treatment. If you decide to continue with treatment then you will begin regular chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. During this time you will regularly see your oncologist (or a member of their team), plus your clinical nurse specialist. This is to make sure you are tolerating your treatment and you have the appropriate medication and support to enable you to complete treatment.
These appointments normally take place in the Cancer Centre, Level B, on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.