
Enhanced Supportive Care Team

Enhanced Supportive Care

The Enhanced Supportive Care service is part of the wider Supportive and Palliative Care department at the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust.


Enhanced Supportive Care helps people who are having cancer treatment to stay well and cope with symptoms. These may be caused by the cancer or the cancer treatment. Enhanced Supportive Care is a positive way to help people with cancer focus on what is important to them. We will also support carers and relatives. We can help with: 


  • Physical symptoms of your cancer (for example; pain, feeling sick)
  • Side-effects from your cancer treatment (for example; radiotherapy or chemotherapy)
  • Talking about and planning for your future
  • Sign-posting you to other services for support and advice


Our clinics are run by consultants, specialist doctors and clinical nurse specialists.  We are supported by administration staff and other healthcare professionals (for example; occupational therapists, dietitians, physiotherapists). We work closely with your oncology team (cancer doctors and nurses).

Your appointment

You will be seen by a member of the Enhanced Supportive Care team in an outpatient clinic.  This may be a doctor or a specialist nurse.  We will talk with you about your symptoms, your overall health and your medications. It may be necessary for us to examine you (for example; to feel your abdomen). You can ask for someone to be with you if you wish.

 You will be invited to complete a questionnaire about any symptoms or problems which have been troubling you. There are no right or wrong answers to the questionnaire. You are welcome to ask a carer or relative to help you fill this in.

 We will explain why you are getting these symptoms and may suggest some changes to your treatment. We will talk with you about any changes to your medications and may give you a prescription for new medications. Following this, a letter will be written to you and your GP about your appointment.

 We will also give you the option to talk about what is important to you with regards to your future care. If you do not want to talk about this at your first appointment you do not have to. You will have other chances to speak with us about the things that matter most to you.

An introduction to Enhanced Supportive Care

How am I referred to the service?

Your oncology doctor or oncology specialist nurse will refer you to our service if they feel it will be helpful.  You are welcome to refer yourself to our service if you think you would benefit.

How will I hear about my appointments?

We will call you on the telephone to organise the first appointment with our team so that we can arrange a convenient time.  You will then be sent a letter in the post or an email to confirm the appointment details.

Will my appointment be on time?

Your first appointment with our team will usually be face to face. Every effort is made to see you at the time given to you on your appointment letter or email.

After your first appointment, you can opt for your follow up appointments to take place via video or telephone calls.

Will you come and see me if I am admitted to hospital?

If you are admitted as an inpatient on a ward at the Royal Surrey, we will come and see you.  We aim to see you as soon as possible after you are admitted. You are welcome to telephone the Enhanced Supportive Care team to let us know you are staying in hospital.

What happens with my ongoing follow-up?

We aim to support you throughout your cancer treatment at the Royal Surrey Cancer Centre with regular follow up appointments (telephone, video or face to face).

Some patients may be offered a 'patient initiated follow up' appointment (PIFU for short). This type of appointment allows you to arrange a follow-up for yourself as and when you need it.  More information about this can be found by clicking here.

We may discuss referral to a local community palliative care team if we feel you would benefit from their support.

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