Our service is in the Physiotherapy Department, Level B, West Wing, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, GU2 7XX.
Contact the department by email on rsch.physioenquiries@nhs.net or ring 01483 464153.
The CResT team offers patients cardiac or pulmonary rehabilitation and respiratory outpatient appointments all aimed at identifying the individual problems that people have and providing education to empower people to manage their own condition long term.
Cardiac rehabilitation is offered to all patients with coronary heart disease or a following a cardiac procedure.
The team consists of physiotherapists, a specialist cardiac nurse, and an exercise specialist. We offer a choice of cardiac rehabilitation both at the hospital with gym facilities and in a community centre in Godalming once a week for eight weeks.
We assess people’s risk factors for heart disease and look at strategies for prevention in combination with exercise.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is for anyone that is limited by breathlessness. It is a six-week programme, twice a week to provide exercise and education to improve strength and endurance and manage breathlessness.
Classes are offered both at the hospital and in Godalming on a Monday and Wednesday.
We also see patients with respiratory problems as outpatients to teach airway clearance techniques, cough control and managing breathing pattern disorders on a one-to-one basis throughout the week.