We are delighted to be able to offer our Baby Care Workshop as a stand alone* in person event for the first time since March 2020!
Over the course of the four hour workshop you will:
- Gain an understanding of the biological norms of the newborn and what to expect un the first few weeks of life, including brain development, behaviour and stomach size.
- Begin to explore the fourth trimester and how to aid your baby's transition from uterus to the world, including baby wearing, skin-to-skin and soothing activities.
- Explore the role of responsive parenting in supporting secure attachment and the associated positive effects on emotional and physical development in newborn.
- Develop knowledge in responsive and paced feeding and how to identify if your baby is getting enough milk.
- Learn how to change a nappy and dress your baby in a vest (with the opportunity to practice on a doll).
- Understand how to take care of your baby's cord stump and when to seek medical advice
- Learn and practice different winding techniques
- Receive an introduction to the neonatal (newborn) screening programme
- Learn the principles of safe sleep
We encourage you to utilise the experience of your midwife facilitator and ask any questions you may have about the newborn period. The workshop includes a rest break with tea & coffee provided. We welcome you to use the break as an opportunity to network with the other expectant parents.
This workshop costs £60 per couple (one pregnant person and one accompanying birth partner).
Click here to learn more or to book our Baby Care Workshop. You will need to be logged in to your Maternity Parent Portal to book. If you don't have access to the Portal ask your Royal Surrey Midwife for a Portal Postcard. For those not booked with the Royal Surrey please email rsch.birthandbeyond@nhs.net for more information.