Preparing for birth together

Birthing person in labour leans over the edge of an inflatable birthing pool. Her hands are clasped with those of her birthing partner

We invite you and your birthing partner* to join us for our in person Birth Partner Preparation workshop to learn techniques to support you to have a more comfortable pregnancy and labour. 

A- Acupressure and Massage 

B- Biomechanics & Breathing

C- Comfort Techniques

Our Practical Preparation for birth package combines understanding of Biomechanics (for pregnancy and birth), hormone regulation and psychology to help you prepare your mind, body, and birth partner for birth. 

This half day hands on Couple’s Workshop and accompanying book will teach you:

  • How small changes in your day-to-day life can have a big impact on the comfort and function of your pregnant and birthing body.
  • The importance of the mind and body connection. You will be guided through breathing techniques and provided with a guided relaxation* script designed to support your physical and mental relaxation in pregnancy, birth and beyond
  • How your baby and body work together in pregnancy, labour and birth and things that you and your birth partner can do to support this incredible dynamic
  • Bio-mechanical techniques to use in labour in the event of a stalled labour, sub optimal position and to aid coping
  • Positions for labour & birth that support your natural physiology.
  • Acupressure points, aromatherapy**and massage for pregnancy and birth 
  • You will also receive a comprehensive handout to enhance your understanding of your incredible physiology, support your ongoing practice and to use as a reference source in labour.

We don’t guarantee type of birth or level of comfort, but by understanding how your labouring body functions you can work with and support those processes to optimise your birthing experience.

Participants will be expected to supply their own birthing ball for the hands-on partner workshop. 

To book this course, or to learn more, please see your Maternity Parent Portal. For those not booked with the Royal Surrey please email for more information.