Would you like to try Walking Football?
Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and Surrey Fottball Association are piloting an introduction to Walking Football project for people who are living with and beyond cancer.
Our new introduction to Walking Football sessions are for anyone, of any age, men and women, who has had a diagnosis of cancer and wants to start exercising in a fun, friendly group led by a Surrey FA Walking Football coach. Families are also welcomed.
What is Walking Football?
Walking Football is exactly as the name suggests - you play football, walking. This inclusive, fun and sociable five-a-side version of the game is slower-paced – but it lacks none of the passion or excitement of the original game. You do not have to know anything about football to take part. These sessions are designed to give you an introduction to the game.
What are the benefits of Walking Football?
There are many benefits from Walking Football such as health benefits including your mental health, increased fitness, social benefits and feeling a purpose and belonging. Walking Football is designed to help people keep an active lifestyle despite their age. Don’t worry; there are plenty of breaks for stretching and water!
It is a fantastic way to throw off some of the constraints of lockdown and start a fun, new, healthy activity in the company of others - and supported as part of your overall health plan.
How does Walking Football work?
When are the sessions?
The sessions run every Friday at Surrey Sports Park, University of Surrey. There are two sessions at 11am-12pm or 12pm-1pm and they are free to anyone who would like to try Walking Football.
James Chadwick who is currently having treatment for cancer is really excited about increasing his activity. He said: “Sport and getting active has been hugely important for me during my chemotherapy. It has helped to reduce fatigue and get me back as close to normal as can be after each course of treatment. I am excited to finally have the chance to play organised football in an environment where I can feel safe, without physicality while I am feeling weaker. The social aspect of sport is something which I have definitely missed whilst having chemo during the Coronavirus pandemic and I am excited to get back to this soon.”
To sign up to Walking Football or if you have any questions or queries then please contact Rob Bryant on 07740 724 832 or email rob.bryant@surreyfa.com
See below for more information about Walking Football:
Walking Football for people living with or beyond cancer