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You are invited to our Annual Members’ Meeting | News

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You are invited to our Annual Members’ Meeting

Pic of members with food and drink

Our virtual Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) will be taking place on Wednesday 1 September from 4pm to 5pm. 

You can read our agenda and register to attend here.

The event is an opportunity for our members and the public to receive the annual report and accounts, hear about our financial performance from the previous year, as well as some of the Trust’s achievements.

We’re keen to welcome new members to our Royal Surrey Family, so the meeting offers the perfect chance to find out how you can get involved.

The Trust currently has over 14,000 members, made up of members of the public and staff who help shape its services by giving views on key issues, services and new ideas.

At this year’s AMM, we will also hear from our Lead Governor Dr Jan Whitby, who will be detailing some of the successes of our governing body.

Sue Sjuve, Chair, said: “The AMM is an important event in the Trust calendar. It’s an opportunity to highlight the hard work and achievements of our dedicated staff, governors and supporters of the Royal Surrey Family.

“We are always keen to welcome more members on board and the AMM showcases the work that you can be involved in. As a Foundation Trust we have more independence than other parts of the NHS and as a member you will have an important role to play.”

This year’s meeting will also include a members’ only vote on a proposed change to the constitution.

If you would like to have a say in our future and help shape our services, find out more about becoming a Royal Surrey member here.

We would love to welcome you at our virtual AMM meeting; you can read our agenda and register to attend here.