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St Luke's Cancer Centre wins prestigious patient-centred award | News

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St Luke's Cancer Centre wins prestigious patient-centred award

St Lukes Team win ESMO award

St Luke’s Cancer Centre at Royal Surrey County Hospital is one of just seven UK centres to achieve accreditation from the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) for its integrated palliative care services.

The prestigious ESMO seal of approval recognises St Luke’s outstanding patient-centred cancer care and focus on improving quality of life for those with life-limiting illnesses.

The ESMO programme aims to improve research, education and clinical practice in oncology by setting standards for service development.

St Luke’s was first awarded ESMO status in 2013. This year the centre was reaccredited after completion of a rigorous application process led by Dr Katherine Webber, Consultant in Palliative Medicine.

Katherine said: “Regaining our ESMO accreditation is a fantastic achievement. It means we are recognised globally for our excellent supportive and palliative care and how this is seamlessly integrated with our oncology care.

“Caring for patients with cancer is not just about treating the disease but about a wider holistic and integrated service that provides support and care to patients at every stage of their journey.”

“We are extremely proud of achieving this recognition. It’s an excellent example of our Trust's vision of ‘nationally celebrated, community focused health and care’.”

The award of ESMO accreditation recognises that St Luke’s Cancer Centre meets objectives that make a real difference to patients. The services that are being delivered by St Luke’s include encouraging palliative care education and training for oncologists as well as other health professionals and promoting the integration of palliative care services into national cancer care guidelines.