A major incident exercise, involving Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust, the South East Coast Ambulance Service, Surrey Fire and Rescue, British Transport Police and Surrey Police, took place in Guildford today (11 July 2024).
The exercise simulated an incident at Guildford train station to test how local organisations respond and work together to help people and save lives in an emergency.
It involved a large emergency service presence in the area, with around 300 responders attending to around 100 casualty actors, provided by the Casualties Union. A number of the actors made their way to Royal Surrey Emergency Department.
Jennie Price, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, said: “The exercise tested how well we work together with local organisations to reduce harm and save lives in a major incident.
“This pre-planned exercise has an important role in making sure that the Trust has robust plans in place and it is an important opportunity for us to, where needed, revise these plans.”
The exercise was conducted by partners in the Surrey Local Resilience Forum, which works to make sure the county is well prepared for an emergency.