Thursday 24 November marks an important date. It’s Carers’ Rights Day and worth highlighting because many carers don’t recognise themselves as carers and are unaware that they can get help and support for the work they do.
Our Trust has two Hospital Carer Advisors, Naheeda Majid and Seema Kang, who are part of Action for Carers Surrey. They are available for relatives of patients and for staff and can offer vital advice and information and provide emotional support and help.
If you provide unpaid support to a partner, family member or friend who is ill, frail, has a disability, mental health issues or substance/alcohol misuse problem, then you are a carer.
Whether you’ve recently become a carer or been in that role for a while, it’s important that you know what help you’re entitled to and understand your rights.
Carers’ Rights Day has been set up to raise awareness of carers’ rights and needs and lets them know how to access support.
On Wednesday 23 November, Naheeda and Seema will be holding an information stand in the main hospital entrance from 10am to 2pm. All carers are welcome to come along and find out more. Staff who are carers will have the chance to find out what support is available Trust wide.
To contact Naheeda or Seema, please email rsch.hospitalcareradvisers@nhs.net.
For more information, visit Carers Rights Day - Carers UK.