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Nominate your NHS heroes for our Patients’ Choice award | News

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Nominate your NHS heroes for our Patients’ Choice award

Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust calls on the local community to nominate NHS heroes from the Trust who have shone through their commitment to delivering exceptional care.

The Patients’ Choice award recognises teams and individuals who have delivered outstanding care. It allows patients, visitors and carers to recognise and say “thank you” to  colleagues at the Trust who have made a positive difference to their care or the care of a loved one.

Joss Bigmore, Chair of the Trust, said:

“For the past year, it’s been near impossible to read a newspaper or listen to a news report without hearing about the pressures on NHS services. Our staff have worked incredibly hard in the face of these challenges, with an unwavering commitment to putting our patients’ needs first. More than ever, we think it is important to recognise the outstanding contribution of individuals or teams from all areas of the hospital.

“If you would like to thank a member of our team or a team who made a real difference to your lives or that of a loved one, please nominate them for our Patients’ Choice award.”

Nominate your NHS hero

Nominations are open now and members of the public can submit their nomination on the Royal Surrey website:

Closing date for nominations is Tuesday 1 August at 11.59pm.

The Patients’ Choice winner will be announced at the Royal Surrey Stars 2023 annual staff awards ceremony in November.