Newborn babies cared for by Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust can now receive treatment for jaundice in their own homes, thanks to Royal Surrey Charity funding.
Jaundice is a common condition in newborn babies caused by elevated levels of bilirubin, a yellow pigment found naturally in the blood. It’s normal for babies to have jaundice to some degree, but, in a very small number of cases it can develop into permanent brain damage so it is essential that babies with high levels are treated.
The standard treatment is exposure to light waves, known as phototherapy. Traditionally, families have had to bring their baby into hospital for treatment, requiring them to navigate the challenges of transportation and separation from home during a crucial bonding period.
The home phototherapy for newborns project at Royal Surrey aims to improve care by bringing phototherapy directly to families' doorsteps. A trained healthcare professional will visit homes equipped with portable phototherapy devices, allowing newborns to receive treatment while remaining in the familiar surroundings of their own homes.
Jo Macleod, Consultant Neonatal Nurse at Royal Surrey, said:
"We are thrilled to introduce phototherapy in the home as an option for newborn babies with jaundice. Some babies with jaundice require multiple treatment sessions, and we know the toing and froing to hospital disrupts the bonding period for families and can create stress.
“Treating jaundice in the home is simple with the right equipment and not only enhances convenience for families but also promotes bonding and reduces the stress associated with hospital visits.”
This phototherapy project is backed by £30k of Royal Surrey Charity funding that was secured through the Trust’s Bid for Better 2023 initiative, which offered all staff the opportunity to bring to life their innovative ideas to make a positive difference to our hospital and patients.
It underscores the Trust’s commitment to innovation and patient-centred care, and is an extension of a neonatal community outreach project that launched in 2023, providing specialist neonatal care in their home after hospital discharge.