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Introducing Susie Gibbon, ICU Matron | News

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Introducing Susie Gibbon, ICU Matron

Susie Gibbon cropped

We are welcoming new starter Susie Gibbon to the Trust. Susie is Matron for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and previously worked for Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust.

“In my role at Frimley Health, I was Deputy Matron and then seconded Matron for ICU during the first two waves of the pandemic. I was latterly seconded into a senior leadership role, part of the development programme team managers who set up an electronic patient records system across the Trust. I was actively involved in the build, implementation and training for the programme and Lead for the Medical Devices integration, prior to being offered my new post here at Royal Surrey.

“I’m very much enjoying my new role at Royal Surrey and returning to a clinical position. The Trust is really friendly, people are very happy to try and help and also make themselves known to me, which is lovely.

“The senior team here is very well established and they have been extremely kind and supportive.

“Royal Surrey’s ICU is on par with Frimley Health, both Trusts currently look after 28 critical care beds but Frimley Health’s ICUs are split across two different sites – Frimley Park in Frimley having 16 beds and Wexham Park in Slough with 12 beds. It’s much more surgical here, with a large number of urgent oncology cases, so lots of interesting differences and challenges and lots to learn. I am very much looking forward to working with the team to help develop processes for improving working lives and promoting the best patient journey and experience.”