A cancer patient has highlighted the difference her Clinical Nurse Specialist has made to her journey as we celebrate the profession.
University lecturer Anne told how her Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) became her ‘saviour’ after she was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in the midst of the global pandemic.
The then 46-year-old underwent major abdominal surgery, which included a full hysterectomy. The cancer had also spread to her left ovary and was attached to her bowel. Following surgery Anne underwent chemoradiotherapy and multiple rounds of chemotherapy.
Today Anne recognises the part her CNS, Maria Ashworth, continues to play in her on-going cancer journey.
The law lecturer from Berkshire, said:
“Maria helps me navigate the hospital and makes sure that everything is happening when it should be.
“She is always in my corner and a problem solver.
“There have been times when I have felt frustrated or upset and after speaking to Maria I just feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Anne explained that despite caring for a large number of patients Maria manages to see them all as individuals.
“She knows that I don’t want anything hidden from me and that I always want to know the full story,” she said.
“Maria has never been dismissive of any of my concerns and I trust her completely.
“I would go as far as to say that I trust her with my life.”