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Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit expands service to ease winter pressures | News

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Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit expands service to ease winter pressures

Minor Injuries Unit

Royal Surrey’s Minor Injuries Unit in Haslemere is expanding its services, opening its doors on Saturdays from this weekend (12 November).

The Nurse Practitioner led facility, which treats a variety of minor injuries, formerly opened weekdays only, from 8am to 5pm. The unit will now open Monday to Saturday, 8am to 5pm as a walk in service. This change is to help with the expected rise in patients needing medical attention over the winter period.

Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit can treat a variety of recent injuries, from wounds to minor eye injuries. It is a vital service for the local community and offers an alternative to attending Emergency Departments (A&E), which patients should only use for life threatening illnesses and injuries.

Charlotte Morley, the Lead Emergencies Practitioner at Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit said: “We are looking for support from our local community and throughout Surrey to embrace this service and understand that this is often the best place for treatment.

“We often have shorter waiting times here, which is great. We can see you quickly and efficiently and free up our colleagues in our main Emergency Department (A&E) to treat patients with more serious, life threatening illnesses.

“You’re in good hands here with our experienced medical professionals but if you have any doubts about where you should go, please contact 111 for advice.”

As well as providing advice on the most appropriate place for treatment, NHS 111 can give patients a time slot to attend Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit, further reducing waiting times.

The unit can treat wounds, minor burns, suspected broken bones (with an X-ray service), minor eye injuries, bites and stings, minor head injuries, as well as removing foreign bodies from ears, eyes or nose or from under the skin. The Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit is located in Church Lane, Haslemere GU27 2BJ.

Patients should dial 999 if they are experiencing serious, life threatening injuries or illnesses including breathing difficulties and severe chest pain.