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Governor led project improves patient dignity | News

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Governor led project improves patient dignity

Id pic of public governor Ray Rogers

The Trust has introduced a new wrap-around style gown to better protect the dignity of our patients.

The move comes after Ray Rogers, Deputy Lead Governor and Public Governor for Guildford, raised concerns at last year’s Annual Members Meeting about the traditional backless gowns being used across the organisation.

The new gown, which is known as a three armed toga, was introduced across the organisation earlier this year following a successful trial period.

The project has now been submitted to the annual NHS Providers Governor Focus Conference, which aims to highlight the important and vital role played by hospital governors.

Ray Rogers said: “If you have ever been a patient in hospital, you have probably encountered a particular patient gown used widely across the NHS. It is the backless one and for some time I have been of the view that these gowns should be replaced right across the NHS by a wrap-around style.”

Mr Roger’s raised his concerns at last year’s Annual Members meeting and the Trust agreed to investigate his concerns.

Deputy Director of Nursing, Tamsin Enticknap-Green, presented three options for new gowns to the Governors’ Patient Experience Committee and the three armed toga was selected for further testing.

The Trust bought 500 of these gown and over three months they were used on a number of different wards and departments.

Patients comment on the ease of putting on the new gown and how well it fitted. Resoundingly the feedback highlighted that it offered improved dignity.

The gown has now been rolled out across the organisation to all appropriate wards and out patient areas.

This successful project was submitted to the annual NHS Providers Governor Focus Conference, which takes place virtually on 6 July 2021. 

This is an opportunity to highlight best practice and exciting new work from governors.

Mr Rogers said: "The Governor showcase, is an opportunity for trusts to present the exciting work of their governors and examples of best practice. 

“This is also an excellent opportunity for the Trust to demonstrate the success of a collaborative approach between our Governors, Executives and Trust Members.” 

The projects will be judged and the best will have their work made into an illustrated video to be shown during this year’s conference. We will keep you posted.