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Celebrating our amazing nurses | News

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Celebrating our amazing nurses

The Lord Lieutenant of Surrey joined us to celebrate our dedicated, caring and compassionate nurses and midwives.

The visit coincided with International Nurses Day, which takes place on 12 May each year to mark the birthday of founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale.

Michael More-Molyneux cut the ribbon on a permanent display in the front hall recognising all of the nurses and midwives who have received their coveted silver award from the Chief Nursing Officer of England and the Chief Midwifery Officer.

Royal Surrey recipients of the Chief Nursing Officer for England and Chief Midwifery Officer Awards



Award by



Jacqui Tingle

Chief Midwifery Officer



Kate Rosati

Chief Midwifery Officer



Catherine Cooper

Chief Nursing Officer



Venson Nuevas

Chief Nursing Officer



Anthony Gartland

Chief Nursing Officer



Gill Hickman

Chief Nursing Officer



Joanne Macleod

Chief Nursing Officer



Caroline Munday

Chief Nursing Officer



Amy Stubbs

Chief Midwifery Officer



Claire Worthington

Chief Midwifery Officer


He also accompanied Chief Nurse, Jo Mountjoy, to visit a number of wards and hand out thank you cards and cakes to the nurses on shift.

In a message to our nurses and midwives Jo said: “Firstly I wanted to share my heartfelt thanks to you all for your continued dedication and hard work. It has been, and continues to be, a very challenging time.

“You, our nurses, midwives and healthcare support workers continue to be at the forefront of our Covid response and underpin our recovery work.

“I am constantly overwhelmed by your resolute determination to do what is best for our patients, your team working and the support you give to one another.

“I thank you for your dedication, compassion, incredible skill and professionalism and I am very proud and privileged to work alongside you every day.”

A short video has been created featuring feedback that our amazing nurses have received over the past 12 months. You can watch it by pasting this link into Google Chrome: .

For our amazing midwives we have also created a further video.You can watch it by pasting this link into Google Chrome: