Three months ago we launched our new electronic patient record system, our project setting the scene for joined up care across the county.
Thanks to the dedication and commitment of staff across the Trust many of our teams are now adapting to new ways of working that will improve processes and increase safety, efficiency, and experience for patients.
Several of the issues that we initially faced have now been fixed, this includes the sending of discharge summaries to GP practices.
Positive progress is also being made on detailed system modifications to resolve the challenges that were identified in the booking and administration of outpatient clinics and some of the process involved in following up patients.
To provide vital assurance that everything has been captured correctly on the new system a team a validation experts is also currently checking the patient data.
We continue to appreciate the support and patience of our patients, relatives and visitors and apologise for any delays you may have experienced.
We appreciate the impact that this period may have had on some people and if you have any concerns, please contact our Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS).
They can be contacted by emailing rsc-tr.PALS@nhs.net or 01483 402757, Ext 2059 or 2445.