“I started working in the radiotherapy department 12 years ago. Almost without noticing, I have now become one of the ‘Old Guard’ looking after the department.
“As radiotherapy lead I have a role in new, cutting-edge radiotherapy techniques. This includes the Artificial Intelligence guided cervix cancer treatments recently featured in the media.
“We are also one of only a handful of hospitals offering the Papillon low rectal cancer radiotherapy service. This low energy x-ray treatment can prevent a patient needing a stoma.
“The best thing about my job is the appreciation shown by patients and their families to my team for their exceptional care. It feels wonderful when you can help patients achieve their wishes; we have even helped arrange marriages on the ward and obtaining a special licence from the Church of England.
“St Luke’s is a family where all the staff take responsibility to look after patients, from the cleaners staying on to translate for patients, to the Health Care Assistants who drop off lost property to a family. This can be a tough job, but it is made easier knowing that your friends and colleagues are there for you.
“My fondest memory was a brilliant charity event, arranged by one of my patients and featuring another young lady I treated who is sadly no longer with us. It was a fabulous dance show in aid of GRACE and Macmillan charities and ended with the whole theatre standing in applause.”