Support and wellbeing

Collage of pictures. Featuring images of Fountain Centre therapist and patient, TYAC nurse and patients, as well as dietitian with patient.

Caring for someone with cancer

Caring for someone with cancer brings with it a number of challenges, both emotionally and practically. You may not see yourself as a carer; you may think you are just helping out. However, the term carer describes anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without support.

At Royal Surrey we have implemented a number of initiatives to help carers, including:


Carers CharterRead our commitment to supporting and improving the experience of carers. 


Carer Prescription – This enables us to refer you to a variety of organisations across Surrey for further advice and support. To find out more please speak to a member of staff.


Hospital Carer Support Advisor – We have two support advisors based within the organisation, who can provide a range of help and support. You can contact them directly by emailing


Carer Passport - If you are providing additional support or staying with a relative to provide carer support whilst they are in hospital, we will arrange for you to have a Carer Passport. The Carer Passport will give you permission to care for your relative and has a number of benefits. To complete the Carer Passport please make an appointment to see the Nurse in Charge on the ward or speak to our Hospital Carer adviser.

Further sources of help


The Fountain Centre

The Fountain Centre, based within the Cancer Centre, offers a number of services for carers, including counselling. Use this link to find out how they could support you.



The Macmillan website offers information and support to help people looking after someone with cancer. Learn more about the help available by clicking here.

They have also produced a number of helpful guides that you can access by clicking on the links below:

Looking after someone with cancer

Looking after someone with cancer (audiobook)


Surrey County Council

If you are the main carer for a person with cancer, an assessment of your needs can take place. This will look at whether you are eligible for any support or help. Use this link to find out more. The Surrey County Council website also contains lots of helpful information, which you can access by clicking here.