When you book a course it will appear in the Upcoming Courses Section of your Profile page. From there you will be able to review course information and access any links. If your course doesn't appear in your profile or if you have any questions about our paid for classes and events please email the education team at rsch.birthandbeyond@nhs.net
The Complete Course offers the opportunity to meet other parents to share your education journey with in pregnancy and after birth. A combination of Midwife recommended courses packaged together for your convenience and financial benefit. Evidence based non-judgemental education from Midwives.
A package of 7 Courses with the same small group of local parents facilitated by experienced practicing Royal Surrey Midwives. The course is taught over seven months in person and online, during pregnancy and after your baby has been born.
The Complete Course includes all the essentials for your birth and early parenting preparation for you and your Birth Partner/ Co-Parent:
In Detail
In pregnancy
Social opportunities: Two organised social events in pregnancy. Course WhatsApp group.
Labour and Birth: Hormone Regulation, early labour and the birth partner role. Stages and phase of labour and birth, coping techniques and Pain Relief.
Variations in birth: Decision-making, Induction/Augmentation, Caesarean Birth and Instrumental birth.
In person HypnoBirthing * The Royal Surrey's bespoke Hypnobirthing program teaches techniques, including self-hypnosis, to help you stay calm however and wherever you birth your baby/babies.
In person First Aid for New Parents learn basic resuscitation and choking management for both infants (0-1yr) and children (1yr – puberty), in accordance with the Resuscitation Council UK guidelines. The facilitator will also discuss recognising an unwell child and the management of burns, bleeding, fevers, seizures and broken bones.
Postnatal Recovery and Transition to parenthood. Here we discuss the physical, psychological and emotion changes that occur in the postnatal period with suggestions on how to ease the transition to parenthood.
In person Baby Care Workshop Discussion of the early hours and days with a new baby including the golden hour and the 4th trimester, new-born behaviour and practical baby care such as winding and nappy changing. Including an exclusive early days guide
Royal Relaxation* our 6-week relaxation course, started at your convenience, providing guided relaxation and personal affirmation creation, and the opportunity to discuss any challenges you are having with your home hypnobirthing practice, as well as exploring new relaxation techniques with registered hypnobirthing midwives. Includes two bonus relaxation tracks
After birth
Online Baby and Me Postnatal group. A four-week online postnatal group. Ideal from birth, this course provides information and support relevant to your baby's development and your postnatal recovery- including information on digestive issues, sleep after the 4th trimester (3m+) and reading your baby’s cues to recognise opportunities for play.
In Person Baby Massage course. Baby massage has been shown to help parents and babies relax and aids bonding. During this four-week course, you learn to help babies with minor issues such as colic and wind as well as build up to a full body massage sequence. This course is exclusive to your cohort and is not transferable.
The course price entitles two adults to attend.
*Hypnobirthing techniques are taught during this session. If you have a mental health diagnosis this session may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.
Terms and Conditions including cancellation policy can be found here
Early Bird Meet & Greet: Saturday the 24th of November(16:30-18:00) at Rydes Hills Preparatory School, Aldershot Road, Guildford, GU2 8BP. Access via Broad Street.
Online pregnancy sessions: Attend via the attached Teams link. Taught over four consecutive Wednesday evenings (19:00-21:30) commencing on Wednesday the 8th of January 2025.
Pregnancy in person weekend sessions held at: at Rydes Hill Preparatory School & Nursery, Aldershot Road, Guildford, GU2 8BP (main entrance accessed via Broad Street) on Saturday the 18th of January 0900-13:00 Hypnobirthing and First Aid with Midwife Natalie. Sunday the 19th of January 14:00-18:00 Baby Care Workshop with Midwife Caroline
Group Specific Social Event: local venue details provided after booking.
Online Royal Relaxation: Start date to be chosen by attendee from a selection of dates. Details of how to book will be provided in your welcome email and digital information pack (accessed from 30 days prior to course start).
Online Baby & Me Postnatal Course: Start date to be chosen by attendee from a selection of dates. Details of how to book will be provided in your welcome email and digital information pack (accessed from 30 days prior to course start).
Baby Massage sessions held at: Well and Good Studio, 1 Hight Street, Godalming GU7 1AX at 11.30am. Week 1: 01/07/24. Week 2: 08/07/24. Week 3: 15/07/24. Week 4: 22/07/24. Please read the pre-course information pack and perform a patch test prior to the start of the massage course.
Maternity Events