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When you book a course it will appear in the Upcoming Courses Section of your Profile page. From there you will be able to review course information and access any links. If your course doesn't appear in your profile or if you have any questions about our paid for classes and events please email the education team at rsch.birthandbeyond@nhs.net

Birth and Beyond - Available Courses

  1. Birth & Beyond Complete Cranleigh, Godalming & Farnham for parents due March/ April 2025

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    The Complete Course offers the opportunity to meet other parents to share your education journey with in pregnancy and after birth. A combination of Midwife recommended courses packaged together for your convenience and financial benefit. Evidence based non-judgemental education from Midwives.

    A package of 7 Courses with the same small group of local parents facilitated by experienced practicing Royal Surrey Midwives. The course is taught over seven months in person and online, during pregnancy and after your baby has been born.

    The Complete Course includes all the essentials for your birth and early parenting preparation for you and your Birth Partner/ Co-Parent:

    • Early Bird Social Event to meet other parents with babies due around the same time
    • Four Weekly online pregnancy classes
    • Interactive in person Hypnobirthing, First Aid and Baby Care weekend workshops (over two half days) to attend in pregnancy.
    • Evening in person social event at a local pub with your group
    • Four-week online pregnancy relaxation course
    • Four-week online Baby Course (attended from three weeks after birth)
    • Four-week in person Baby Massage Course with your baby
    • Course journal and Hypnobirthing audio MP3s
    • Access to bonus digital information pack from 30days before your course starts
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.
    • A Birth and Beyond discount code for additional course bookings


    In Detail

    In pregnancy

    Social opportunities: Two organised social events in pregnancy. Course WhatsApp group.

    Labour and Birth: Hormone Regulation, early labour and the birth partner role. Stages and phase of labour and birth, coping techniques and Pain Relief.

    Variations in birth: Decision-making, Induction/Augmentation, Caesarean Birth and Instrumental birth. 

    In person HypnoBirthing * The Royal Surrey's bespoke Hypnobirthing program teaches techniques, including self-hypnosis, to help you stay calm however and wherever you birth your baby/babies.

    In person First Aid for New Parents learn basic resuscitation and choking management for both infants (0-1yr) and children (1yr – puberty), in accordance with the Resuscitation Council UK guidelines. The facilitator will also discuss recognising an unwell child and the management of burns, bleeding, fevers, seizures and broken bones.

    Postnatal Recovery and Transition to parenthood. Here we discuss the physical, psychological and emotion changes that occur in the postnatal period with suggestions on how to ease the transition to parenthood.

    In person Baby Care Workshop Discussion of the early hours and days with a new baby including the golden hour and the 4th trimester, new-born behaviour and practical baby care such as winding and nappy changing. Including an exclusive early days guide

    Royal Relaxation* our 6-week relaxation course, started at your convenience, providing guided relaxation and personal affirmation creation, and the opportunity to discuss any challenges you are having with your home hypnobirthing practice, as well as exploring new relaxation techniques with registered hypnobirthing midwives. Includes two bonus relaxation tracks

    After birth

    Online Baby and Me Postnatal group. A four-week online postnatal group. Ideal from birth, this course provides information and support relevant to your baby's development and your postnatal recovery- including information on digestive issues, sleep after the 4th trimester (3m+) and reading your baby’s cues to recognise opportunities for play.

    In Person Baby Massage course. Baby massage has been shown to help parents and babies relax and aids bonding. During this four-week course, you learn to help babies with minor issues such as colic and wind as well as build up to a full body massage sequence. This course is exclusive to your cohort and is not transferable.

    The course price entitles two adults to attend.

    *Hypnobirthing techniques are taught during this session. If you have a mental health diagnosis this session may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    Terms and Conditions including cancellation policy can be found here 


    Maternity Events


    1. From £330.00
  2. Birth & Beyond Complete Bordon, Haslemere & Liphook for parents due April/ May 2025

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    The Complete Course offers the opportunity to meet other parents to share your education journey with in pregnancy and after birth. A combination of Midwife recommended courses packaged together for your convenience and financial benefit. Evidence based non-judgemental education from Midwives.

    A package of 7 Courses with the same small group of local parents facilitated by experienced practicing Royal Surrey Midwives. The course is taught over six months in person and online, during pregnancy and after your baby has been born.

    The Complete Course includes all the essentials for your birth and early parenting preparation for you and your Birth Partner/ Co-Parent:

    • Early Bird Social Event to meet other parents with babies due around the same time
    • Four Weekly online pregnancy classes
    • Interactive in person Hypnobirthing, First Aid and Baby Care weekend workshops (over two half days) to attend in pregnancy.
    • Evening in person social event at a local pub with your group
    • Four-week online pregnancy relaxation course
    • Four-week online Baby Course (attended from three weeks after birth)
    • Four-week in person Baby Massage Course with your baby
    • Course journal and Hypnobirthing audio MP3s
    • Access to bonus digital information pack from 30days before your course starts
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.
    • A Birth and Beyond discount code for additional course bookings


    In Detail

    Continue reading for further course details:

    In pregnancy

    Social opportunities: Two organised social events in pregnancy. Course WhatsApp group.

    Labour and Birth: Hormone Regulation, early labour and the birth partner role. Stages and phase of labour and birth, coping techniques and Pain Relief.

    Variations in birth: Decision-making, Induction/Augmentation, Caesarean Birth and Instrumental birth. 

    In person HypnoBirthing * The Royal Surrey's bespoke Hypnobirthing program teaches techniques, including self-hypnosis, to help you stay calm however and wherever you birth your baby/babies.

    In person First Aid for New Parents learn basic resuscitation and choking management for both infants (0-1yr) and children (1yr – puberty), in accordance with the Resuscitation Council UK guidelines. The facilitator will also discuss recognising an unwell child and the management of burns, bleeding, fevers, seizures and broken bones.

    Postnatal Recovery and Transition to parenthood. Here we discuss the physical, psychological and emotion changes that occur in the postnatal period with suggestions on how to ease the transition to parenthood.

    In person Baby Care Workshop Discussion of the early hours and days with a new baby including the golden hour and the 4th trimester, new-born behaviour and practical baby care such as winding and nappy changing. Including an exclusive early days guide

    Royal Relaxation* our 4-week relaxation course, started at your convenience, providing guided relaxation and personal affirmation creation, and the opportunity to discuss any challenges you are having with your home hypnobirthing practice, as well as exploring new relaxation techniques with registered hypnobirthing midwives. Includes two bonus relaxation tracks

    After birth

    Online Baby and Me Postnatal group. A four-week online postnatal group. Ideal from birth, this course provides information and support relevant to your baby's development and your postnatal recovery- including information on digestive issues, sleep after the 4th trimester (3m+) and reading your baby’s cues to recognise opportunities for play.

    In Person Baby Massage course. Baby massage has been shown to help parents and babies relax and aids bonding. During this four-week course, you learn to help babies with minor issues such as colic and wind as well as build up to a full body massage sequence. This course is booked in advance and is not transferable.

    The course price entitles two adults to attend.

    *Hypnobirthing techniques are taught during this session. If you have a mental health diagnosis this session may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    Terms and Conditions including cancellation policy can be found here 

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    Maternity Events


    1. From £330.00
  3. Baby and Me Postnatal Course

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary


    Our Online Baby and Me Postnatal group is a four week online postnatal group suitable from birth ( ideally before your 6/8 week GP appointment). The course is facilitated over four consecutive weeks from the date selected and it provides information and support relevant to your baby's development and your postnatal recovery. 

    Birth & Beyond Baby & Me Postnatal Course includes:

    • 4 online sessions each with a different focus 
    • 4 weekly Midwife led relaxations
    • Virtual information pack with relevant resources 
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions

    In Detail

    Week 1: Further postnatal recovery and Infant Feeding 

    In week one we will explore further recovery (beyond the initial weeks discussed in our pregnancy courses) from pregnancy and birth including: what to expect at your eight-week postnatal check, scar massage and tummy muscle separation. We will also look at further feeding issues such as Mastitis, Thrush and DMER, and discuss reliable sources of information and support.

    Week 2: Digestion

    In week two we will explore the digestive issues that impact some babies such as colic, reflux, constipation and allergy. We will discuss their symptoms, what parents can do to support their baby and where to seek further support if a condition is suspected

    Week 3: Baby Sleep

    Did you know that most sleep advice on the internet and from well meaning friends is not based on research evidence and doesn't take account of natural variations between individual babies?! This postnatal exploration of sleep uses the latest research evidence to present practical suggestions to support improved sleep patterns for the family unit. 

    Week 4: Play & brain development

    In the final week of the course we take a look at baby body language and use that knowledge to inform our quality time with them. We look at the importance of play and discuss some simple play suggestions to support their brain growth and development , including tummy time.

    Weekly relaxation

    In addition to allocating time and space to ask your questions*, each session will finish with a short bespoke guided relaxation written by our in house cognitive hypnotherapist, Midwife Natalie

    *Hypnosis and visualisation techniques are taught and used during this course. If you or your Partner have a mental health diagnosis or a neurological condition, such as Epilepsy, this class may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    *Please note that our midwife teachers can only provide clinical advice up to 28 days postnatal and will signpost you to alternative sources of support and information outside of this legal remit. 

    This course is included in the Birth & Beyond Complete Package see your Complete Info Pack for information on how to book. 

    See our class Bookings Terms and Conditions page for more information including our refund policy

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    1. From £40.00
  4. Birth & Beyond Complete Cranleigh, Godalming & Farnham due May/June 2025

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    The Complete Course offers the opportunity to meet other parents to share your education journey with in pregnancy and after birth. A combination of Midwife recommended courses packaged together for your convenience and financial benefit. Evidence based non-judgemental education from Midwives.

    A package of 7 Courses with the same small group of local parents facilitated by experienced practicing Royal Surrey Midwives. The course is taught over seven months in person and online, during pregnancy and after your baby has been born.

    The Complete Course includes all the essentials for your birth and early parenting preparation for you and your Birth Partner/ Co-Parent:

    • Early Bird Social Event to meet other parents with babies due around the same time
    • Four Weekly online pregnancy classes
    • Interactive in person Hypnobirthing, First Aid and Baby Care weekend workshops (over two half days) to attend in pregnancy.
    • Evening in person social event at a local pub with your group
    • Online pregnancy relaxation course
    • Four-week online Baby Course (attended from three weeks after birth)
    • Four-week in person Baby Massage Course with your baby
    • Course journal and Hypnobirthing audio MP3s
    • Access to bonus digital information pack from 30days before your course starts
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.
    • A Birth and Beyond discount code for additional course bookings


    In Detail

    In pregnancy

    Social opportunities: Two organised social events in pregnancy. Course WhatsApp group.

    Labour and Birth: Hormone Regulation, early labour and the birth partner role. Stages and phase of labour and birth, coping techniques and Pain Relief.

    Variations in birth: Decision-making, Induction/Augmentation, Caesarean Birth and Instrumental birth. 

    In person HypnoBirthing * The Royal Surrey's bespoke Hypnobirthing program teaches techniques, including self-hypnosis, to help you stay calm however and wherever you birth your baby/babies.

    In person First Aid for New Parents learn basic resuscitation and choking management for both infants (0-1yr) and children (1yr – puberty), in accordance with the Resuscitation Council UK guidelines. The facilitator will also discuss recognising an unwell child and the management of burns, bleeding, fevers, seizures and broken bones.

    Postnatal Recovery and Transition to parenthood. Here we discuss the physical, psychological and emotion changes that occur in the postnatal period with suggestions on how to ease the transition to parenthood.

    In person Baby Care Workshop Discussion of the early hours and days with a new baby including the golden hour and the 4th trimester, new-born behaviour and practical baby care such as winding and nappy changing. Including an exclusive early days guide

    Royal Relaxation* our 4-week relaxation course, started at your convenience, providing guided relaxation and personal affirmation creation, and the opportunity to discuss any challenges you are having with your home hypnobirthing practice, as well as exploring new relaxation techniques with registered hypnobirthing midwives. Includes two bonus relaxation tracks

    After birth

    Online Baby and Me Postnatal group. A four-week online postnatal group. Ideal from birth, this course provides information and support relevant to your baby's development and your postnatal recovery- including information on digestive issues, sleep after the 4th trimester (3m+) and reading your baby’s cues to recognise opportunities for play.

    In Person Baby Massage course. Baby massage has been shown to help parents and babies relax and aids bonding. During this four-week course, you learn to help babies with minor issues such as colic and wind as well as build up to a full body massage sequence. This course is booked in advance and is not transferable.

    The course price entitles two adults to attend.

    *Hypnobirthing techniques are taught during this session. If you have a mental health diagnosis this session may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    Terms and Conditions including cancellation policy can be found here 

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    Maternity Events


    1. From £330.00
  5. Baby Massage

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    A 4 week in person course to enjoy with your baby (recommended from 6 weeks).

    Birth & Beyond Baby Massage course includes:

    • Four one-hour in person classes for one adult and one baby where you will learn
    •  A full body massage routine that you can continue to use at home
    • A Wind & Colic Sequence and a Teething Sequence developed to ease these common infant concerns
    • A digital pack of resources to support your ongoing practice
    • Opportunities to interact with other parents 
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.


    In detail

    At the Royal Surrey Hospital, we recognise the benefits of baby massage for both parents and babies. Our Baby Massage Courses run over four consecutive weeks (commencing on the date selected) and are taught by our practicing expert education Midwives. 

    Baby massage can be attended any time from birth but most babies enjoy it most from 6 weeks.

    Over the four weeks you will learn the strokes to complete a full body massage routine to be able to enjoy a wonderful relaxing and bonding activity with your baby at home. You will also learn massage strokes and sequences to aid with issues such as colic, wind, and teething.  To find out more about the benefits of Baby Massage please visit our course developer Hands on Babies .

    Our Baby Massage classes are taught at local venues to make it easier to attend in the busy postnatal period and to help you to meet and network with other local parents. Please choose the venue/course that is most convenient for you.

    Click here to read our Terms and Conditions including our refund policy

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    1. From £40.00
  6. Birth & Beyond Complete Guildford & South Woking for parents due in May or June

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    The Complete Course offers the opportunity to meet other parents to share your education journey with in pregnancy and after birth. A combination of Midwife recommended courses packaged together for your convenience and financial benefit. Evidence based non-judgemental education from Midwives.

    A package of 7 Courses with the same small group of local parents facilitated by experienced practicing Royal Surrey Midwives. The course is taught over six months in person and online, during pregnancy and after your baby has been born.

    The Complete Course includes all the essentials for your birth and early parenting preparation for you and your Birth Partner/ Co-Parent:

    • Early Bird Social Event to meet other parents with babies due around the same time
    • Four Weekly online pregnancy classes
    • Interactive in person Hypnobirthing, First Aid and Baby Care weekend workshops (over two half days) to attend in pregnancy.
    • Evening in person social event at a local pub with your group
    • Online pregnancy relaxation course
    • Four-week online Baby Course (attended from three weeks after birth)
    • Four-week in person Baby Massage Course with your baby
    • Course journal and Hypnobirthing audio MP3s
    • Access to bonus digital information pack from 30days before your course starts
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.
    • A Birth and Beyond discount code for additional course bookings


    In Detail

    In pregnancy

    Social opportunities: Two organised social events in pregnancy. Course WhatsApp group.

    Labour and Birth: Hormone Regulation, early labour and the birth partner role. Stages and phase of labour and birth, coping techniques and Pain Relief.

    Variations in birth: Decision-making, Induction/Augmentation, Caesarean Birth and Instrumental birth. 

    In person HypnoBirthing * The Royal Surrey's bespoke Hypnobirthing program teaches techniques, including self-hypnosis, to help you stay calm however and wherever you birth your baby/babies.

    In person First Aid for New Parents learn basic resuscitation and choking management for both infants (0-1yr) and children (1yr – puberty), in accordance with the Resuscitation Council UK guidelines. The facilitator will also discuss recognising an unwell child and the management of burns, bleeding, fevers, seizures and broken bones.

    Postnatal Recovery and Transition to parenthood. Here we discuss the physical, psychological and emotion changes that occur in the postnatal period with suggestions on how to ease the transition to parenthood.

    In person Baby Care Workshop Discussion of the early hours and days with a new baby including the golden hour and the 4th trimester, new-born behaviour and practical baby care such as winding and nappy changing. Including an exclusive early days guide

    Royal Relaxation* our 4-week relaxation course, started at your convenience, providing guided relaxation and personal affirmation creation, and the opportunity to discuss any challenges you are having with your home hypnobirthing practice, as well as exploring new relaxation techniques with registered hypnobirthing midwives. Includes two bonus relaxation tracks

    After birth

    Online Baby and Me Postnatal group. A four-week online postnatal group. Ideal from birth, this course provides information and support relevant to your baby's development and your postnatal recovery- including information on digestive issues, sleep after the 4th trimester (3m+) and reading your baby’s cues to recognise opportunities for play.

    In Person Baby Massage course. Baby massage has been shown to help parents and babies relax and aids bonding. During this four-week course, you learn to help babies with minor issues such as colic and wind as well as build up to a full body massage sequence. This course is booked in advance and is not transferable except in exceptional circumstances.

    The course price entitles two adults to attend.

    *Hypnobirthing techniques are taught during this session. If you have a mental health diagnosis this session may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    Terms and Conditions including cancellation policy can be found here 

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    Maternity Events


    1. From £330.00
  7. Birth & Beyond Complete Bordon, Haslemere & Liphook for parents due June/ July 2025

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    The Complete Course offers the opportunity to meet other parents to share your education journey with in pregnancy and after birth. A combination of Midwife recommended courses packaged together for your convenience and financial benefit. Evidence based non-judgemental education from Midwives.

    A package of 7 Courses with the same small group of local parents facilitated by experienced practicing Royal Surrey Midwives. The course is taught over six months in person and online, during pregnancy and after your baby has been born.

    The Complete Course includes all the essentials for your birth and early parenting preparation for you and your Birth Partner/ Co-Parent:

    • Early Bird Social Event to meet other parents with babies due around the same time
    • Four Weekly online pregnancy classes
    • Interactive in person Hypnobirthing, First Aid and Baby Care weekend workshops (over two half days) to attend in pregnancy.
    • Evening in person social event at a local pub with your group
    • Four-week online pregnancy relaxation course
    • Four-week online Baby Course (attended from three weeks after birth)
    • Four-week in person Baby Massage Course with your baby
    • Course journal and Hypnobirthing audio MP3s
    • Access to bonus digital information pack from 30days before your course starts
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.
    • A Birth and Beyond discount code for additional course bookings


    In Detail

    Continue reading for further course details:

    In pregnancy

    Social opportunities: Two organised social events in pregnancy. Course WhatsApp group.

    Labour and Birth: Hormone Regulation, early labour and the birth partner role. Stages and phase of labour and birth, coping techniques and Pain Relief.

    Variations in birth: Decision-making, Induction/Augmentation, Caesarean Birth and Instrumental birth. 

    In person HypnoBirthing * The Royal Surrey's bespoke Hypnobirthing program teaches techniques, including self-hypnosis, to help you stay calm however and wherever you birth your baby/babies.

    In person First Aid for New Parents learn basic resuscitation and choking management for both infants (0-1yr) and children (1yr – puberty), in accordance with the Resuscitation Council UK guidelines. The facilitator will also discuss recognising an unwell child and the management of burns, bleeding, fevers, seizures and broken bones.

    Postnatal Recovery and Transition to parenthood. Here we discuss the physical, psychological and emotion changes that occur in the postnatal period with suggestions on how to ease the transition to parenthood.

    In person Baby Care Workshop Discussion of the early hours and days with a new baby including the golden hour and the 4th trimester, new-born behaviour and practical baby care such as winding and nappy changing. Including an exclusive early days guide

    Royal Relaxation* our 4-week relaxation course, started at your convenience, providing guided relaxation and personal affirmation creation, and the opportunity to discuss any challenges you are having with your home hypnobirthing practice, as well as exploring new relaxation techniques with registered hypnobirthing midwives. Includes two bonus relaxation tracks

    After birth

    Online Baby and Me Postnatal group. A four-week online postnatal group. Ideal from birth, this course provides information and support relevant to your baby's development and your postnatal recovery- including information on digestive issues, sleep after the 4th trimester (3m+) and reading your baby’s cues to recognise opportunities for play.

    In Person Baby Massage course. Baby massage has been shown to help parents and babies relax and aids bonding. During this four-week course, you learn to help babies with minor issues such as colic and wind as well as build up to a full body massage sequence. This course is booked in advance and is not transferable.

    The course price entitles two adults to attend.

    *Hypnobirthing techniques are taught during this session. If you have a mental health diagnosis this session may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    Terms and Conditions including cancellation policy can be found here 

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    Maternity Events


    1. From £330.00
  8. Birth & Beyond Complete Guildford & South Woking for parents due June or July

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    The Complete Course offers the opportunity to meet other parents to share your education journey with in pregnancy and after birth. A combination of Midwife recommended courses packaged together for your convenience and financial benefit. Evidence based non-judgemental education from Midwives.

    A package of 7 Courses with the same small group of local parents facilitated by experienced practicing Royal Surrey Midwives. The course is taught over six months in person and online, during pregnancy and after your baby has been born.

    The Complete Course includes all the essentials for your birth and early parenting preparation for you and your Birth Partner/ Co-Parent:

    • Early Bird Social Event to meet other parents with babies due around the same time
    • Four Weekly online pregnancy classes
    • Interactive in person Hypnobirthing, First Aid and Baby Care weekend workshops (over two half days) to attend in pregnancy.
    • Evening in person social event at a local pub with your group
    • Online pregnancy relaxation course
    • Four-week online Baby Course (attended from three weeks after birth)
    • Four-week in person Baby Massage Course with your baby
    • Course journal and Hypnobirthing audio MP3s
    • Access to bonus digital information pack from 30days before your course starts
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.
    • A Birth and Beyond discount code for additional course bookings


    In Detail

    In pregnancy

    Social opportunities: Two organised social events in pregnancy. Course WhatsApp group.

    Labour and Birth: Hormone Regulation, early labour and the birth partner role. Stages and phase of labour and birth, coping techniques and Pain Relief.

    Variations in birth: Decision-making, Induction/Augmentation, Caesarean Birth and Instrumental birth. 

    In person HypnoBirthing * The Royal Surrey's bespoke Hypnobirthing program teaches techniques, including self-hypnosis, to help you stay calm however and wherever you birth your baby/babies.

    In person First Aid for New Parents learn basic resuscitation and choking management for both infants (0-1yr) and children (1yr – puberty), in accordance with the Resuscitation Council UK guidelines. The facilitator will also discuss recognising an unwell child and the management of burns, bleeding, fevers, seizures and broken bones.

    Postnatal Recovery and Transition to parenthood. Here we discuss the physical, psychological and emotion changes that occur in the postnatal period with suggestions on how to ease the transition to parenthood.

    In person Baby Care Workshop Discussion of the early hours and days with a new baby including the golden hour and the 4th trimester, new-born behaviour and practical baby care such as winding and nappy changing. Including an exclusive early days guide

    Royal Relaxation* our 4-week relaxation course, started at your convenience, providing guided relaxation and personal affirmation creation, and the opportunity to discuss any challenges you are having with your home hypnobirthing practice, as well as exploring new relaxation techniques with registered hypnobirthing midwives. Includes two bonus relaxation tracks

    After birth

    Online Baby and Me Postnatal group. A four-week online postnatal group. Ideal from birth, this course provides information and support relevant to your baby's development and your postnatal recovery- including information on digestive issues, sleep after the 4th trimester (3m+) and reading your baby’s cues to recognise opportunities for play.

    In Person Baby Massage course. Baby massage has been shown to help parents and babies relax and aids bonding. During this four-week course, you learn to help babies with minor issues such as colic and wind as well as build up to a full body massage sequence. This course is booked in advance and is not transferable except in exceptional circumstances.

    The course price entitles two adults to attend.

    *Hypnobirthing techniques are taught during this session. If you have a mental health diagnosis this session may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    Terms and Conditions including cancellation policy can be found here 

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    Maternity Events


    1. From £330.00
  9. The Birth Partner Workshop

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    An in person, weekend workshop with a small group of local parents facilitated by two experienced Royal Surrey Midwives. Learn techniques to support a more comfortable pregnancy and labour including acupressure and massage, Biomechanics & breathing and comfort techniques. Our Practical Preparation for birth workshop combines an understanding of Biomechanics (for pregnancy and birth), hormone regulation and psychology to help you prepare your mind, body, and birth partner for birth. Your Birth Partner will finish this workshop with a range of practical skills and techniques to aid you in your physical and emotional comfort.

    This practical preparation course is a great add on for clients attending our Birth and Beyond Complete, Core and Hypnobirthing classes

    Birth & Beyond Partner Preparation Workshop includes:

    • An in person, 4 hour weekend workshop for you and your Birth Partner
    • A class handbook to take home
    • Interactive opportunities to practice hands on techniques.
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.
    [video file: birth partner reel.MP4]

    In detail

    This course is suitable from 28 weeks. 

    The Couple’s Workshop and accompanying handbook will teach you:

    • How small changes in your day-to-day life can have a big impact on the comfort and function of your pregnant and birthing body.
    • The importance of the mind and body connection. You will be guided through breathing techniques and provided with a guided relaxation* script designed to support your physical and mental relaxation in pregnancy, birth and beyond
    • How your baby and body work together in pregnancy, labour and birth
    • Simple positions and stretches to create space within the body to ease some pregnancy symptoms, aid baby positioning and support labour & birth
    • Information on the safe use of a small selection of aromatherapy oils for labour
    • Information on labour massage techniques and some acupressure points which may be useful in labour
    • An understanding of different labour and birth positions, when to use them and the importance of instinctive movements.

    The course price entitles two adults to attend.

    *Hypnobirthing techniques are used during this session. If you have a mental health diagnosis or neurological condition some activities may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    For booking Terms and Conditions including our refund policy please click here

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    1. From £90.00
  10. Baby and Child First Aid

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    An in person, weekend workshop with a small group of local parents facilitated by experienced Royal Surrey Midwives. This informal Baby and child first aid  class (for Parents and other family members)  gives you the opportunity to learn and practice basic resuscitation and choking management for both infants (0-1yr) and children (1yr – puberty), in accordance with the Resuscitation Council UK guidelines and general first aid information.

    Birth & Beyond First Aid Workshop includes:

    • An in person, 2 hour weekend workshop for 2 adults per booking
    • Interactive opportunities to practice hands on techniques.
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.


    In detail

    Suitable from pregnancy until 6 months postnatal (adults only) the Birth & beyond First Aid Workshop will teach you:

    • An introduction to common accidents and ways to reduce or prevent risk
    • The immediate first steps to manage burns, bleeding and broken bones
    • How to respond to children with a fever
    • What to do if a child has a seizure
    • How to recognise the signs of severe illness and when to get help
    • Actions to take when a child is choking with hands on practice using a doll
    • How to give CPR to babies and children with hands on practice using a doll

    The course price entitles two adults to attend. We regret that we are not able to accommodate children or babies at the workshop.

    For booking Terms and Conditions including our refund policy please click here

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    1. From £45.00
  11. The Experienced Parent Bundle for Babies Due in July, August & September 2025

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    Growing your family? Looking for an opportunity to meet other experienced parents? Consider our Experienced Parent Bundle to enahnce the complimentary pregnancy and birth clases we provide. 

    This bundle provides a fantastic opportunity to explore the considerations of an expanding family whilst receiving evidence based, un-biased information with plenty of interaction and time for questions. This option is ideal for those short on time but looking for networking opportunities with other experienced parents.

    The bundle consists of one in-person workshop and a four week Royal Relaxation online course both attended during pregnancy. 

    Birth & Beyond Experienced Parent Bundle is ideal for experienced parents and includes:

    • A two and a half hour in person workshop for you and your Partner/ Birth Partner
    • Strategies to prepare and assist children to welcome a new sibling
    • Revision of important First Aid techniques with hands on practice of CRP and choking  
    • Access to a named education midwife for follow up questions.
    • Access to a dedicated WhatsApp group with other experienced parents from your course.
    • Access to Royal Relaxation 
    • 10% discount off of other Birth & Beyond courses and workshops


    In Detail

    This bundle includes:

    1) A two and a half hour workshop to:

    • Network with other expectant Parents
    •  Explore creating birth and postnatal wellbeing plans including a plan for siblings
    • Develop an awareness of typical behaviours of siblings when a new baby arrives and brainstorm strategies for supporting siblings
    • Revision of general first aid such as managing bleeding, head injuries, burns, broken bones, recognising the unwell child
    • Actions to take when a child is choking with hands on practice with a doll
    • How to give CPR to babies and children with hands on practice with a doll

    2) A four week online Royal Relaxation Course accessed via your Refresher info pack from 30 days prior to the start of the course)

    Full Royal Relaxation contents and information can be viewed here

    The cost of this course permits up to two adults to attend the selected course together.   For further Terms and Conditions including our refund policy click here.

    This bundle is an add on to complement our free classes. In addition to The Experienced Parent Bundle we recommend you attend the Complimentary Birth Planning, Labour & Birth & Postnatal Recovery & Baby Care Workshops. 

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    Maternity Events


    1. From £50.00
  12. Evening Royal Relaxation- Online Pregnancy Relaxation Course

    Recurring event

    Course types

    •    Maternity Course
    •    Paid Course

    Course summary

    Pop on your Pj's and unwind with the Birth & Beyond Midwives

    Relaxation has positive effects on pregnant people and their developing baby by reducing adrenaline and cortisol and promoting the love hormone, Oxytocin. We recommend every pregnant woman/person regulary takes time out to relax.

    Royal Relaxation is a 4-week online, group relaxation course for you* and your Partner* led by experienced Hypnobirthing Midwives from The Royal Surrey Hospital. Each week we enjoy a guided relaxation and explore techniques and strategies to support relaxation and aid emotional preparation for birth and parenthood.

    This course is ideal for those wishing to explore or further their knowledge of Hypnobirthing but can be attended by anyone with an interest in emotional wellbeing or relaxation. No Hypnobirthing experience is necessary.

    Royal Relaxation can be accessed free by Midwife referral for some Royal Surrey Clients.

    Royal Relaxation includes:

    • 4 online sessions each with a different focus
    • 4 weekly Midwife led relaxations
    • 2 MP3s to download for your continued relaxation and hypnobirthing practice at home.
    • Royal Relaxation Workbook (download)
    • Mindful Affirmation Colouring book (download)
    • An opportunity for further practice, trouble shooting and more in depth reflection regarding Hypnobirthing techniques
    • Continued support from expert qualified midwives and specialist advice from our in-house Cognitive Hypnotherapist Midwife


    In Detail

    Each hour long session is live and unrecorded. Every week there will be group interactive discussion on a scheduled topic with practical suggestions and time for questions in addition to a guided relaxation. 

    Topics explored:

    • Quietening the Mind and Bump Bonding
    • Postive Words and Positive Stories
    • The Internal and External Birth Environment
    • Working Worries and Wellbeing Plans

    If you are unable to attend all of the sessions or miss a session an alternative date will be provided to make up the session(s) if there is time to do so before your baby’s arrival.

    Please note Royal Relaxation is included in our Birth & Beyond Complete, Refresher and Hypnobirthing courses.

    *Hypnosis and visualisation techniques are taught and used during Royal Relaxation. If you or your Partner have epilepsy, a mental health diagnosis or neurological condition this class may not be suitable. Please discuss with your lead medical professional, mental health team or GP before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

    For booking Terms and Conditions including our refund policy please click here

    Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.


    1. From £30.00