Birth and Beyond Complimentary is recommended for all women/ birthing people and their partners registered with Royal Surrey Maternity. This free service covers the essential elements of pregnancy, labour, birth and the postnatal period.
When you book a course it will appear in the Upcoming Courses Section of your Profile page. From there you will be able to review course information and access any links. If your course doesn't appear in your profile or if you have any questions about our free classes and events please email the education team at rsch.birthandbeyond@nhs.net
Would you like to meet more midwives from your continuity team and increase the chance of getting to know the midwife who may care for you in labour?
Would you like the opportunity to meet and network with other local expectant families?
Come along to your teams Meet the Midwives Events.
For more information talk to your continuity team midwife.
Do not attend if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of COVID 19.
Please only attend the event for your own Midwifery team.
Maternity Events