Birth and Beyond Complimentary is recommended for all women/ birthing people and their partners registered with Royal Surrey Maternity. This free service covers the essential elements of pregnancy, labour, birth and the postnatal period.
When you book a course it will appear in the Upcoming Courses Section of your Profile page. From there you will be able to review course information and access any links. If your course doesn't appear in your profile or if you have any questions about our free classes and events please email the education team at rsch.birthandbeyond@nhs.net
Have you birthed your baby with the Royal Surrey with in the last 28 days and are struggling with feeding?
Come along to our breastfeeding drop in clinic (no need to book)
This face to face clinic is for clients who birthed with the Royal Surrey (including the home-birth team) in the last month and require support with breastfeeding.
Please do not attend if you or a member of your house hold has symptoms of Covid-19 or any other contagious illness.
Maternity Events
Learn how to express your colostrum in pregnancy and how to store it safely.
We recommend attending this free 30min discussion and demonstration from 34 weeks of pregnancy.
ColostrumDid you know that colostrum is made by the body from 14-16 weeks of pregnancy and is constantly reabsorbed and replaced until the breast milk "comes in" at approx. 72 hours after birth?
This means colostrum can be hand expressed in pregnancy, without
effecting supply at birth. Any expressed colostrum can be stored in
small syringes and frozen for later use.
Studies suggest parents
who become familiar with their anatomy, and express prior to their
baby’s birth, have more satisfactory breastfeeding experiences.
However you are planning to feed your baby, colostrum can offer
many benefits to babies. Parents who are choosing not to breastfeed
can still give their baby colostrum by collecting prior to their
baby’s birth and then giving it to their baby via a syringe for their
first few feeds.
Maternity Events
This free online Early Pregnancy & Pre-conception workshop is taught by one of our Specialist Education Midwives.
We recommend you attend this class in pregnancy as early as possible (ideally before 12 weeks of pregnancy). For those planning a pregnancy this workshop will provide information regarding general health but not cover fertility advice.
During this 45-60 minute workshop our Midiwfe facilitator will discuss:
Foods to avoid
Vaccinations and screening tests available
What to expect from your maternity appointments
Information regarding our free, pregnancy classes
When to contact for help
There will also be time to answer your general questions.
Maternity Events
Would you like to meet more midwives from your continuity team and increase the chance of getting to know the midwife who may care for you in labour?
Would you like the opportunity to meet and network with other local expectant families?
Come along to your teams Meet the Midwives Events.
For more information talk to your continuity team midwife.
Do not attend if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of COVID 19.
Maternity Events
Are you pregnant following a pregnancy or baby loss?
Would you like some additional support during your pregnancy?
Would you like to meet other women/pregnant people who have also experienced pregnancy or baby loss and are now pregnant again?
Maternity Events