Oesophago-gastric Dietetic Team (OG Team)

The Oesophago-gastric dietetic team support patients with disorders to the oesophagus and stomach through their surgery and treatment. 

We aim to ensure patients are able to maintain their nutritional status despite their symptoms and that treatment options and outcomes are not impacted by any nutritional deficits or excesses.

How can I arrange a referral to the dietitian?

Once you are under the care of the oesophago-gastric team a referral can be made to our service through your consultant.

Where are clinics held?

Our appointments are held in various clinics at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, including Outpatients 3, 4 and 12 (St Luke’s Cancer Centre). The location will depend on where your consultant or nurse appointments are held.


What should I bring to my appointment?

A 3 day food record diary can be helpful for your dietitian to assess your food intake.

What do I need to do to cancel or reschedule my appointment?

We will know if your consultant appointment is cancelled or rescheduled, so you do not need to contact us.

If I am admitted to hospital will I be able to see the dietitian?

There is a dietetic service to all the wards in the hospital. If you are admitted and need support from the dietitian, your doctor or nurse can refer you to us.

Contact us